Results for 'Magdalena C. De Lange'

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  1.  16
    Dealing with bioethical dilemmas: A survey and analysis of responses from ministers in the Reformed Churches in South Africa.Magdalena C. De Lange - 2012 - HTS Theological Studies 68 (1).
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  2. 5* congres international g43 7-14 septembre d'acoustique 1965 the new rotterdam concert hall.C. W. Kosten & P. A. de Lange - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann (ed.), Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship.
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    Geskiedenis van die prediking in Suid-Afrika.J. C. De Lange - 1967 - HTS Theological Studies 23 (3).
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    Owen Barfield: Romanticism come of age: a biography.Simon Blaxland-de Lange - 2021 - Forest Row: Temple Lodge Publishing. Edited by Andrew J. Welburn.
    Owen Barfield--philosopher, author, poet, and critic--was a founding member of the Inklings, the private Oxford society that included the leading literary figures C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Charles Williams. Lewis, who was greatly affected by Barfield during their long friendship, wrote of their many heated debates: "I think he changed me a good deal more than I him." Simon Blaxland-de Lange's biography (the first to be published on Owen Barfield) was written with the active cooperation of Barfield himself who, (...)
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    Immediate and long-term priming effects are independent of prime awareness.Jolien C. Francken, Simon van Gaal & Floris P. de Lange - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1793-1800.
    Subliminal primes are assumed to produce weaker and short-lived effects on subsequent behavior compared to clearly visible primes. However, this difference in priming effect may be due to differences in signal strength, rather than level of awareness. In the present study we manipulated prime discriminability by using metacontrast masks and pseudomasks, while keeping the prime strength equal. This manipulation resulted in large differences in discriminability of the primes. However, both immediate response priming and long-term response priming was equal for the (...)
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    Boekbesprekingen.Sean McEvenue, Theo de Kruijf, C. C. M. de Lange, Bart J. Koet, Marcel Poorthuis, Hanneke Reuling, Martin Parmentier, Jörgen Vijgen, Th Bell, Marcel Sarot, Kees van Vliet, A. H. C. van Eijk, Eric Ottenheijm, Jean-Jacques Suurmond & Arie L. Molendijk - 2000 - Bijdragen 61 (3):336-357.
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  7.  35
    Response to Desender & Van den Bussche: On the absence of a relationship between discriminability and priming.Jolien C. Francken, Simon van Gaal & Floris P. de Lange - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1573-1574.
  8.  31
    Erratum to: Ethics review of studies during public health emergencies - the experience of the WHO ethics review committee during the Ebola virus disease epidemic.Emilie Alirol, Annette C. Kuesel, Maria Magdalena Guraiib, Vânia de la Fuente-Núñez, Abha Saxena & Melba F. Gomes - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):45.
    Background Between 2013 and 2016, West Africa experienced the largest ever outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease. In the absence of registered treatments or vaccines to control this lethal disease, the World Health Organization coordinated and supported research to expedite identification of interventions that could control the outbreak and improve future control efforts. Consequently, the World Health Organization Research Ethics Review Committee was heavily involved in reviews and ethics discussions. It reviewed 24 new and 22 amended protocols for research studies including (...)
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    Introduction: The Concept of Philosophy in Asia and the Islamic World.Robert H. Gassmann, Elena L. Lange, Angelika Malinar, Ulrich Rudolph, Raji C. Steineck & Ralph Weber - 2018 - In Studien zur interkulturellen Philosophie / Studies in Intercultural Philosophy / Études de philosophie interculturelle. pp. 1-52.
    This introductory chapter reviews the history of the reception of philosophy from Asia and the Islamic World in Western philosophy and argues in favor of conceptualizing philosophy from a more globally informed point of view.
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    Reply to Van Lange et al.: Proximate and ultimate distinctions must be made to the CLASH model.Tomás Cabeza de Baca, Steve C. Hertler & Curtis S. Dunkel - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
    Transcending reviewed proximate theories, Van Lange et al.'s CLASH model attempts to ultimately explain the poleward declension of aggression and violence. Seasonal cold is causal, but, we contend, principally as an ecologically relevant evolutionary pressure. We further argue that futurity and restraint are life history variables, and that Life History Theory evolutionarily explains the biogeography of aggression and violence as strategic adaptation.
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  11. H. Lange, Geschichte der Grundlagen der Physik I.C. F. V. Weizsäcker - 1956 - Philosophische Rundschau 4 (3/4):238.
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    (1 other version)Juliane Lang / Ulrich Peters : Antifeminismus in Bewegung – Aktuelle Debatten um Geschlecht und sexuelle Vielfalt.Maria Magdalena Mayer - 2018 - Feministische Studien 36 (2):426-429.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Frühmittelalterliche Studien Jahrgang: 36 Heft: 2 Seiten: 426-429.
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  13. Die Lange-Ribotsche Gefühlstheorie.C. Gutberlet - 1905 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 18:135-155.
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  14. Madeleine Boxler, “Ich bin ein predigerin und appostlorin”: Die deutschen Maria Magdalena-Legenden des Mittelalters (1300–1550). Untersuchungen und Texte. (Deutsche Literatur von den Anfängen bis 1700, 22.) Bern: Peter Lang, 1996. Paper. Pp. 619; tables, 1 black-and-white figure, and black-and-white facsimiles. $72.95. [REVIEW]Margaret Schleissner - 1999 - Speculum 74 (1):134-136.
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    Der Aufbruch in den Kantianismus: der Frühkantianismus an der Universität Jena von 1785-1800 und seine Vorgeschichte.Norbert Hinske, Erhard Lange & Horst Schröpfer (eds.) - 1995 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog.
    Die erste Rezeption Kants unmittelbar nach Erscheinen der Kritik der reinen Vernunft zahlt zu den folgenreichsten und spannendsten Etappen der neueren Philosophiegeschichte. Erstaunlicherweise ist sie noch immer weithin unerforscht. Dieser Band geht auf eine Fruhkantianismus-Ausstellung der Universitat Jena (1993) zuruck. Er hilft, das Quellenmaterial leichter zu erschliessen. Kapitel uber Ch. G. Schutz, C. Ch. E. Schmid, die Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung, Reinhold, Schiller, Hufeland u.a. geben neue Einblicke in diese fruhe Etappe der Kantrezeption. An die hundert Abbildungen prasentieren teilweise vollig unbekanntes Quellenmaterial (...)
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  16.  31
    (I.) Frings Das Spiel mit eigenen Texten. Wiederholung und Selbstzitat bei Ovid. ( Zetemata 124.) Pp. 302. Munich: C.H. Beck, 2005. Paper, €64. ISBN: 978-3-406-53152-. [REVIEW]Magdalena Öhrman - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (1):298-.
  17.  16
    Lang, Albert, Die Entfaltung des apologetischen Problems in der Scholastik des Mittelalters. [REVIEW]C. Lindner - 1962 - Augustinianum 2 (3):572-572.
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  18.  18
    L'architecture du droit: Mélanges en l'honneur de Michel Troper.Michel Troper & Denys de Béchillon (eds.) - 2006 - Paris: Economica.
    La contribution de Michel Troper à la théorie générale du droit et à la théorie constitutionnelle est aujourd'hui reconnue et célébrée un peu partout dans le monde. Un talent d'architecte se tient à l'origine de cette audience rarement égalée dans la sphère francophone : celui qu'il faut pour accommoder toutes les exigences, quel que soit l'ordre de valeur dans lequel on les trouve : originalité, rigueur, souci de la fonction, esthétisme, solidité, adaptation, intelligence, inquiétude, esprit critique, renoncement, réalisme... A ces (...)
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  19.  27
    Implicaciones de los estudios sobre memoria colectiva para la enseñanza de la historia.Maitane Arnoso, Darío Páez, Magdalena Bobowik & Nekane Basabe - 2018 - Arbor 194 (788):445.
    La investigación sobre la memoria colectiva y las representaciones sociales de la historia en el campo de la psicología social puede proporcionar reflexiones de interés para el fortalecimiento de las competencias meta-cognitivas en la enseñanza de la historia. En este capítulo se revisa la bibliografía existente y la investigación empírica en este campo. En primer lugar, se analizan los procesos a través de los cuales se conforman las memorias y representaciones del pasado. A continuación, se exponen tres competencias de razonamiento (...)
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  20.  45
    Developing Political Realism: Some Thoughts from Classical China.Eirik Lang Harris - 2023 - In Amber L. Griffioen & Marius Backmann (eds.), Pluralizing Philosophy’s Past: New Reflections in the History of Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 63-76.
    While most discussions of political realism in the West draw their inspiration from thinkers such as Thucydides, Machiavelli, and Hobbes, they were far from the only political theorists developing such an approach. Rather, we see realist approaches to politics not only in a vast array of European thinkers throughout history, but also in in a diverse range of non-European traditions. From Kautilya’s 2nd c. BCE Sanskrit classic to the eponymously named Han Feizi from China, a variety of realist visions were (...)
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  21.  35
    Aquinas and Suarez on the Essence of Continuous Physical Quantity.David Lang - 2002 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 58 (3):565-595.
    The development of the notion of continuous physical quantity is traced from Aristotle to Aquinas to Suarez. It is concluded that Aristotle’s divisibility definition fails to excavate the ontological core of material quantification. Although the basic germ of the solution to the problem is discovered in Aquinas, it is Suarez who fully articulates the essence of continuous physical quantity with his explicit concept of aptitudinal extension — which has crucial theological implications. Résumé Nous considérons ici le développement de la notion (...)
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  22.  30
    Resurrection and reality in the thought of Wolfhart Pannenberg.C. Elizabeth A. Johnson - 1983 - Heythrop Journal 24 (1):1-18.
    Books Reviewed in this Article: Transforming Bible Study. By Walter Wink. Pp.175, London, SCM Press, 1981, £3.50. Isaiah 1–39. By R.E. Clements. Pp.xvi. 301, London, Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1980, £3.95. Isaiah 40–66. By R.N. Whybray. Pp.301, London, Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1975, Reprinted 1981, £3.95. Die Gestalt Jesu in den synoptischen Evangelien. By Heinrich Kahlefeld. Pp.264, Frankfurt, Verlag Josef Knecht, 1981, no price given. Following Jesus: Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark. By Ernest Best. Pp.283, Sheffield, JSOT Press, 1981, (...)
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  23.  80
    Julio C. Vargas Bejarano, Phänomenologie des Willens. Seine Struktur, sein Ursprung und seine Funktion in Husserls Denken: New Studies in Phenomenology, Band 3. Frankfurt a. M./berlin/bruxelles/new York/oxford, Peter Lang 2006, 368 Seiten, € 56.-, $ 86.-, ISBN 3-631-55707-8. [REVIEW]Henning Peucker - 2010 - Husserl Studies 26 (1):67-75.
    Julio C. Vargas Bejarano, Phänomenologie des Willens. Seine Struktur, sein Ursprung und seine Funktion in Husserls Denken Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s10743-010-9068-4 Authors Henning Peucker, Universität Paderborn Fach Philosophie, Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften Warburger Str. 100 33098 Paderborn Germany Journal Husserl Studies Online ISSN 1572-8501 Print ISSN 0167-9848 Journal Volume Volume 26 Journal Issue Volume 26, Number 1.
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  24.  50
    C. Rohweder: Macht und Gedeihen. Eine politische Interpretation der Hiketiden des Aischylos . (Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe III: Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, 772.) Pp. 191. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1998. Paper, £24. ISBN: 3-631-32889-. [REVIEW]Martin Cropp - 2002 - The Classical Review 52 (01):163-.
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  25. Einleitung: Hilary Putnam.Vincent C. Müller - 1993 - In Hilary Putnam: Von einem realistischen Standpunkt, Schriften zu Sprache und Wirklichkeit. Rowohlt. pp. 9-26.
    Hilary Putnams Biographie und philosophische Entwicklung spiegeln die Geschichte der angelsächsischen Philosophie in den letzten 40 Jahren. Beinahe ebenso lange hat Putnam diese Geschichte wesentlich beeinflußt und so kann John Passmore über Putnam schreiben: «Er ist die Geschichte der gegenwärtigen Philosophie im Umriß»1. In der vorliegenden Einleitung soll vor allem der Kontext dargestellt werden, in dem Putnam steht und aus dem heraus verständlich wird, was er philosophisch zu sagen hat. Dieser Kontext ist sicherlich ein Grund dafür, daß Putnam hierzulande (...)
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  26.  8
    Cordon sanitaire: Vloek of zegen?S. de Lange - 2008 - Res Publica: Politiek-wetenschappelijk tijdschrift van de Lage Landen 50 (1):54-58.
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    Cell Fate Regulation upon DNA Damage: p53 Serine 46 Kinases Pave the Cell Death Road.Magdalena C. Liebl & Thomas G. Hofmann - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (12):1900127.
    Mild and massive DNA damage are differentially integrated into the cellular signaling networks and, in consequence, provoke different cell fate decisions. After mild damage, the tumor suppressor p53 directs the cellular response to cell cycle arrest, DNA repair, and cell survival, whereas upon severe damage, p53 drives the cell death response. One posttranslational modification of p53, phosphorylation at Serine 46, selectively occurs after severe DNA damage and is envisioned as a marker of the cell death response. However, the molecular mechanism (...)
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  28. Waiting for the Word: Dietrich Bonhoeffer on Speaking about God.Frits de Lange & Wayne Whitson Floyd - 2000
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  29. Lijmen, Jan?Jan de Lange - forthcoming - Idee.
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  30.  19
    Testimonios arqueológicos del Oriente Próximo reflejados en el Séfer–Masa`ot de Benjamín de Tudela.José Ramón Magdalena Nom de Déu - 2005 - Arbor 180 (711/712):465-488.
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    Digital Tools and Instructional Rules: A study of how digital technologies become rooted in classroom procedures.Thomas de Lange & Andreas Lund - 2008 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 10 (2):36-58.
    This paper examines how a classroom culture develops advanced strategies and procedures for handling complex digital tools. We report from a vocational Media and Communication course at an Upper Secondary School in Oslo, Norway. Our analysis reveals how a procedure called practical assignments has developed historically at the school, and how this procedure is carried out in the classroom. Theoretically, our study is informed by Activity Theory, which affords us tools to analyze how social institutions and learning trajectories evolve over (...)
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    Humanisme et justice: mélanges en l'honneur de Geneviève Giudicelli-Delage.Julie Alix - 2016 - Paris: Éditions Dalloz. Edited by Geneviève Giudicelli-Delage, Mathieu Jacquelin, Stefano Manacorda & Raphaële Parizot.
    La defense d'un profond humanisme dont les racines puisent dans la Renaissance ainsi que le souci permanent d'une pedagogie exemplaire ont guide Genevieve Giudicelli-Delage durant toute sa carriere. Professeur emerite de l'Universite Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, ou elle a notamment dirige pendant de nombreuses annees le DEA devenu Master II de droit penal et politique criminelle en Europe, redactrice en chef de la Revue de science criminelle et de droit penal compare pour les editions Dalloz, presidente de l'Association de recherches penales (...)
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    Gabriel a S. Maria Magdalena, O. C. D., Geheimnis der Gottesfreundschaft: Betrachtungen über das innere Leben für alle Tage des Jahres. [REVIEW]J. -J. Gavigan - 1962 - Augustinianum 2 (2):445-446.
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    Loving Later Life: An Ethics of Aging.Frederik de Lange - 2015 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans.
    Good aging : toward an ethics of aging -- The ethics of love -- Why we do not love the elderly -- Taking care of your old self -- Love for aging neighbors.
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  35. Analogical transfer through comprehension and priming.C. M. Wharton & T. E. Lange - 1994 - In Ashwin Ram & Kurt Eiselt (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: August 13 to 16, 1994, Georgia Institute of Technology. Erlbaum. pp. 934--939.
  36.  97
    Huge variation in obtaining ethical permission for a non-interventional observational study in Europe.Dylan W. de Lange, Bertrand Guidet, Finn H. Andersen, Antonio Artigas, Guidio Bertolini, Rui Moreno, Steffen Christensen, Maurizio Cecconi, Christina Agvald-Ohman, Primoz Gradisek, Christian Jung, Brian J. Marsh, Sandra Oeyen, Bernardo Bollen Pinto, Wojciech Szczeklik, Ximena Watson, Tilemachos Zafeiridis & Hans Flaatten - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):39.
    Ethical approval must be obtained before medical research can start. We describe the differences in EA for an pseudonymous, non-interventional, observational European study. Sixteen European national coordinators of the international study on very old intensive care patients answered an online questionnaire concerning their experience getting EA. N = 8/16 of the NCs could apply at one single national ethical committee, while the others had to apply to various regional ECs and/or individual hospital institutional research boards. The time between applying for (...)
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  37.  49
    Sustaining Sustainability in Organizations.Deborah E. de Lange, Timo Busch & Javier Delgado-Ceballos - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 110 (2):151-156.
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    Künstliche Intelligenz in der Forschung: Neue Möglichkeiten Und Herausforderungen Für Die Wissenschaft.Carl Friedrich Gethmann, Peter Buxmann, Julia Distelrath, Bernhard G. Humm, Stephan Lingner, Verena Nitsch, Jan C. Schmidt & Indra Spiecker Genannt Döhmann - 2021 - Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    Dieses Buch ist eine Open Access Publikation.Der lange gehegte Traum von künstlicher Intelligenz wird in unserer Alltagswelt zunehmend Realität. Damit verbinden sich hohe gesellschaftliche Erwartungen, aber auch Sorgen hinsichtlich einer schleichenden Entmündigung des Menschen. Am Beispiel des Forschungssektors lotet dieser Band die Optionen, Entwicklungschancen und Risiken von KI-Techniken für die Zukunft des wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisprozesses und der darauf beruhenden technischen Entwicklungen aus. Zu diesem Zweck wird zunächst der Stand der KI-Technik und ihrer Anwendungen dargestellt. Es folgen wissenschaftsphilosophische Untersuchungen zur Frage (...)
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  39. An Open Time Perspective and Social Support to Sustain in Healthcare Work: Results of a Two-Wave Complete Panel Study.Annet H. de Lange, Karen Pak, Eghe Osagie, Karen van Dam, Marit Christensen, Trude Furunes, Lise Tevik Løvseth & Sarah Detaille - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Affirming Life in the Face of Death: Ricoeur’s Living Up to Death as a modern ars moriendi and a lesson for palliative care.Ds Frits de Lange - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (4):509-518.
    In his posthumously published Living Up to Death Paul Ricoeur left an impressive testimony on what it means to live at a high old age with death approaching. In this article I present him as a teacher who reminds us of valuable lessons taught by patients in palliative care and their caretakers who accompany them on their way to death, and also as a guide in our search for a modern ars moriendi, after—what many at least experience as—the breakdown of (...)
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    Implementation, Formalization, and Representation: Challenges for Integrated Information Theory.C. Montemayor, J. A. de Barros & L. P. G. De Assis - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 26 (1-2):107-132.
    Any theory of information needs to comply with what we call the implementation, formalization, and representation constraints. These constraints are justified by basic considerations concerning scientific modelling and methodology. In the first part of this paper, we argue that the implementation and formalization constraints cannot be satisfied because the relation between Shannon information and IIT must be clarified. In the second part of the paper, we focus on the representation constraint. We argue that IIT cannot succeed in satisfying this constraint (...)
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    Descartes et Regius. A propos d'une lettre ouverte peu connue adressée à Descartes.C. De Waard & W. P. - 1947 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 137:344 - 356.
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    Biomedical research on autism in low‐ and middle‐income countries: Considerations from the South African context.Siobhan de Lange, Dee Muller & Chloe Dafkin - forthcoming - Developing World Bioethics.
    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by social/communicative difficulties and perseverative behaviours. While research on autism has flourished recently, few studies have been conducted on the disorder in non‐Western contexts. In low‐ and middle‐income countries (LMICs), biomedical research on autism is required to better understand the needs of the population and to develop contextually appropriate interventions. However, autistic individuals are a vulnerable study population and LMICs present with various considerations. While the presentation of autism is heterogeneous, stigma (...)
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  44. La fin tragique des vaudois au nord des Alpes à la lumière du destin de Friedrich Reiser.Albert de Lange - 2008 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 88 (1):3-19.
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    L'exigence de justice: mélanges en l'honneur de Robert Badinter.Robert Badinter (ed.) - 2016 - Paris: Dalloz.
    La personnalite de Robert Badinter se lit a travers la diversite de ses centres d'interets et de ses activites. Professeur de droit (sa vocation premiere), il marquera la seconde moitie du XXe siecle par bien des facettes de son action. Il fut l'artisan de progres sensibles accomplis dans la defense de la dignite de la personne humaine et de la victoire que constitua l'abolition de la peine de mort. Il a vecu l'engagement politique, l'exercice du pouvoir, les subtilites du controle (...)
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    Les sciences et les techniques, laboratoire de l'Histoire: mélanges en l'honneur de Patrice Bret.Patrice Bret, Liliane Hilaire-Pérez & Catherine Lanoë (eds.) - 2022 - [Paris]: PSL.
    Les travaux de Patrice Bret occupent une place centrale en histoire des sciences et en histoire des techniques. Ce livre entend les mettre à l'honneur, qu'il s'agisse de l'histoire des savoirs académiques, du régime techno-politique du XVIIIe siècle, des interactions entre savants et praticiens à l'heure de la chimie lavoisienne, des circulations culturelles et des traductions ou encore de la place des femmes de sciences. Les contributions réunies dans ce volume illustrent, par leur diversité, l'influence de Patrice Bret dans la (...)
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  47. Action learning as means for supervisor development.Line Wittek & Thomas de Lange - 2021 - In Anne Lee & Rob Bongaardt (eds.), The future of doctoral research: challenges and opportunities. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    On the macroscopic distribution of dislocations in single crystals of high-purity recrystallized aluminium.A. Authier, C. B. Rogers & A. R. Lang - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 12 (117):547-560.
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  49. Practice in ethics education.C. De Graaff Miriam, W. De Vries Peter, J. Van Bijlevelt Walter & Ellen Giebels - 2017 - In Peter Olsthoorn (ed.), Military Ethics and Leadership. Leiden & Boston: Brill.
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    C. Tsitsiou-Chelidoni: Ovid : Metamorphosen Buch VIII. Narrative Technik und literarischer Kontext . (Studien zur klassischen Philologie 138.) Pp. 503. Frankfurt, etc.: Peter Lang, 2003. Paper, €69.60. ISBN: 3-631-36111-. [REVIEW]Niklas Holzberg - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (02):696-.
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